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We introduce ourselves

The student council WiWi

Symbolic image of a person © TU Dortmund

We, the student representatives of the Faculty of Business and Economics, would like to introduce ourselves at this point.

The FSR (Fachschaftsrat) is composed of students who have been elected by you - the Fachschaft WiWi. We represent the students of the faculty to the outside and represent your interests towards the professors, the university administration and various committees at our university.

However, the main focus of our work is to support and advise our fellow students. This includes help with the timetable and the course of studies, the collection and lending of old exams as well as engagement in the areas of university politics and teaching improvement. Thus, we are always happy to provide advice and also liaise with professors and assistants.

Another important part of our activities takes place in the context of "student life". We organize the freshman orientation called "O-Phase" and furthermore seminars, WiWi pub night, parties, sports events, the traditional WiWi mulled wine stand and many many other fantastic events.

If you would like to help us in any way or just want to say hello, please visit us in our office- Mathetower, room M126a/128. There will also be coffee and cookies!

We look forward to seeing you FSR WiWi <3